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Seafood Cornwall


This project aimed to increase the domestic demand of Cornwall’s under-loved fish species by showcasing the people within the industry, the amazing recipes and the full process from sea to plate.


With clear goals for this project, the aim was to design a visually impactful website; one that would show how appealing Cornish Seafood really was! Professional photographs and videos were taken, so the design needed to cater for these and display them as best as possible.

As well as the aesthetics, the site needed to be really easy to use for a range or end users. A large focus was spent on the navigation and layout of information whilst ensuring the site remained engaging.


The proposed design was clean and simple; showcasing the stunning photography and videos whilst keeping all of the content organised and easy for users to find.


With the aid of micro-animations and smooth transitions, the end result was impactful and visually engaging! This achieves the objectives for the project whilst also ensuring the website remains fresh for years to come. Did I mention this site was built 3 years ago!

Project Details

  • Clean
  • Responsive Design
  • Photo & Video