- Awards
- Architecture
- Art & Illustration
- Business & Corporate
- Culture & Education
- Design Agencies
- E-Commerce
- Events
- Experimental
- Fashion
- Film & TV
- Food & Drink
- Games & Entertainment
- Hotel / Restaurant
- Institutions
- Luxury
- Magazine / Newspaper / Blog
- Mobile & Apps
- Music & Sound
- Other
- Photography
- Promotional
- Real Estate
- Social responsibility
- Sports
- Startups
- Technology
- Web & Interactive
- Scrolling
- 360
- 3D
- 404 pages
- About Page
- Animation
- App Style
- Big Background Images
- Clean
- Colorful
- Contact Page
- Content architecture
- Contentful
- Copy design
- Data Visualization
- Filters and Effects
- Flat Design
- Footer Design
- Forms and Input
- Fullscreen
- Gallery
- Gestures / Interaction
- Graphic design
- Header Design
- Horizontal Layout
- Icons
- Illustration
- Infinite Scroll
- Interaction Design
- Menu - Horizontal
- Menu - Vertical
- Microinteractions
- Minimal
- Navigation Menu
- Parallax
- Photo & Video
- Photographic
- Portfolio
- Project Page
- Responsive
- Responsive Design
- Retro
- Single page
- Social Integration
- Sound-Audio
- Storytelling
- Transitions
- Typography
- UI design
- Unusual Navigation
- Vector
- Video
- Web Fonts
- next.js
- 11ty
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe XD
- After Effects
- Angular
- Anime.js
- BARBA.js
- Backbone.js
- Blender
- Bootstrap
- Cables
- Canvas API
- Cinema 4D
- Contentful
- Craft CMS
- CreateJS
- Curtains.js
- D3
- DatoCMS
- Debian
- Directus
- Docker
- Drupal
- Editor X
- Elementor
- Express
- FastClick
- Figma
- Firebase
- Flickity
- Font Awesome
- Framer Motion
- GSAP Animation
- Gatsby
- Google App Engine
- Google Font API
- GraphQL
- Hammer.JS
- Handlebars
- Highway.js
- Ink
- Javascript
- Laravel
- Lo-dash
- Locomotive Scroll
- Lottie
- Magento
- Matter.js
- Modernizr
- Morphic
- Neos CMS
- Netlify
- Next.js
- Nginx
- Node.js
- Nuxt.js
- OWL Carousel
- P5.js
- PixiJS
- Prismic
- Python
- Raphael.js
- React
- Readymag
- Redux
- Rellax.js
- RequireJS
- Reveal.js
- Ruby
- Sanity
- Sass
- Shopify
- Sketch
- Skrollr.js
- Snap.svg
- Svelte
- Swiper.js
- Tailwind CSS
- Three.js
- Tilda
- Twitter API
- Typekit
- Typescript
- Underscore.js
- Unity
- VR
- Vanilla JS
- Varnish
- Velocity.js
- Vercel
- VideoJS
- Vue.js
- WebGL
- WebSockets
- WebVR
- Webflow
- Webpack
- Windows Server
- WooCommerce
- Wordpress
- Yepnope
- YouTube API
- Zepto
- jQuery
- tween.js
- United States
- France
- United Kingdom
- Italy
- Germany
- Netherlands
- Canada
- Japan
- Russia
- Australia
- Spain
- Ukraine
- Switzerland
- Poland
- Brazil
- Austria
- Belgium
- Denmark
- New Zealand
- Czech Republic
- India
- Portugal
- Sweden
- Israel
- Greece
- Argentina
- Turkey
- Hong Kong - Macau
- Taiwan
- Croatia
- Norway
- Mexico
- China
- Singapore
- South Korea
- Serbia
- Armenia
- United Arab Emirates
- Bulgaria
- South Africa
- Slovakia
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Ireland
- Hungary
- Malaysia
- Slovenia
- Chile
- Romania
- Vietnam
- Colombia
- Finland
- Georgia
- Belarus
- Malta
- Morocco
- Cyprus
- Indonesia
- Kazakhstan
- Luxembourg
- Estonia
- Iceland
- Philippines
- Thailand
- Uruguay
- Kosovo
- North Macedonia
- Iran
- Lebanon
- Mauritius Island
- Albania
- Azerbaijan
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Costa Rica
- Dominican Republic
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Peru
- Saudi Arabia
- Tanzania
- Andorra
- Bahamas
- Bangladesh
- Barbados
- Cameroon
- Kenya
- Montenegro
- Oman
- Puerto Rico
- Qatar
- Réunion
- Sri Lanka
- DM
- Fa
- GT
- Aeonik
- Arial
- Futura
- Druk
- Graphik
- Cormorant
- Gilroy
- Avenir
- Barlow
- Gotham
- Bebas
- Circular
- Euclid
- Apercu
- Founders
- Archivo
- Austin
- Editorial New
- Canela
- Degular
- Freight
- AT
- Brandon
- Exo
- Acumin
- Akzidenz
- Assistant
- Basis
- Caveat
- Clash
- Dala Floda
- Epilogue
- FK
- Fira
- Akkurat
- Baskervville
- Brown
- Cabin
- Century
- Domaine
- EB Garamond
- Figtree
- Fragment Mono
- Fraunces
- General Sans
- Generalsans
- Adobe
- Agrandir
- Albra
- Anton
- Arapey
- Bai Jamjuree
- Baskerville
- Beatrice
- Bon
- Borna
- Butler
- Cako
- Cera
- Chakra Petch
- Chivo
- Dahlia
- ETmodules
- Financier Display
- Gellix
- Georgia
- Gilda Display
- Google Sans
- Adieu
- Albert Sans
- Almarena
- Antonio
- Arimo
- Averta
- Axiforma
- Azeret Mono
- Baton
- Be Vietnam Pro
- Bitter
- Bold
- Cinzel
- Cooper
- Copyright Fort Foundry LLC
- Courier Prime
- Crisp Noto Sans
- Droid Sans
- Franklin
- Gatwick
- Geist
- Geomanist
- Grandslang
- Grtsk
- Abel
- Adelle
- Akrobat
- Aktiv
- Allura
- Americana
- Ano
- Archia
- Aventa
- Basier Circle
- Benton
- Bigilla
- Blacker
- Bodoni
- Bricolage Grotesque
- Bungee
- Cambon
- Campton
- Cardinal Fruit
- Cardo
- Catamaran
- Changa One
- Charter
- Chillax
- Circe
- Cirka
- Comfortaa
- Commissioner
- Copyright (C) H&Co | typography.com
- Courier
- Crimson
- Darker Grotesque
- Dela Gothic One
- Denim
- Didot
- Domine
- Dosis
- Droid Serif
- Editorialnew
- Everett
- Flaticon
- Font awesome 5 brands 400
- Formula
- Formular
- Fraktion Mono
- Frank Ruhl Libre
- Garnett
- Gill Sans
- Google Sans Display
- Google Sans Text
- Googlesans
- Gothic MB101
- Great Vibes
- Gridular
- Gucci
- HK Grotesk
- Color
In computers, scrolling is the action of sliding text, images or video across a monitor or display, generally by using a scroll well. Scrolling does not change the layout of the text or pictures, but incrementally moves the user's view across the screen. Smooth scrolling is a feature that reduces what the viewer would perceive as jumps (discontinuous movement) in the display. When this feature is applied to touchscreens, it is referred to as kinetic scrolling. .
Scrolling can be both horizontal and vertical. Vertical scrolling is the most common one, normally, web browsers place as many words in a single line as will fit the width of the browser window and when the text surpasses the screen size, vertical scrolling is required to continue reading. Horizontal scrolling works well with portfolios and gallery websites, but not so much with text-driven sites.