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Mar 22, 2013

Yates Buckley Lets Us into the World of Multiple Awwward- and Recent SOTM-winning Company UNIT9

Yates Buckley Lets Us into the World of Multiple Awwward- and Recent SOTM-winning Company UNIT9

Yates Buckley is co-founder of UNIT9 and has been its technical director for over 16 years. UNIT9 is a production company specializing in digital media experiences that combine with content management. They currently focus on work for advertising agencies and some direct clients developing tactical marketing online content.

This renowned British company, based in London, has an extensive track record in the digital world. At the time of its founding in January 1997, the world of web we know today had not yet exploded, it was still barely on the threshold. Along the way they have won such prestigious awards as the Webbys, Cannes Cyber ??Lions, The One Show, Clios and, of course, at the time of publication they have 9 Awwwards in their trophy cabinet! (4 SOTD, 3 SOTM, 2 SOTY)

Yates gave us this interview late last year about his company UNIT9, its present and future, and how they got here. Our colleague Martha was with him.

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