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- Header Design
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- Icons
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- Infinite Scroll
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- Parallax
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- Unusual Navigation
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- Google Font API
- GraphQL
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- Javascript
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- Reveal.js
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- Snap.svg
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- Tailwind CSS
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UI design
Best selection of UI design Website examples for your inspiration...
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How to apply User Experience (UX) and user interface (UI) tools and principles to your website designs, UI design, design systems, animation systems, workflows, design thinking, information architecture, prototyping, wireframing, research, user testing, usability, user-centered design, Figma, Webflow, Adobe XD, Sketch, Principle, After Effects, InVision and more.
According to Wikipedia, "User interface design (UI) or user interface engineering is the design of user interfaces for machines and software, such as computers, home appliances, mobile devices, and other electronic devices, with the focus on maximizing usability and the user experience."
Designing a standout user interface can be challenging, but it's incredibly rewarding. At Awwwards, we've curated a collection of the most innovative and visually striking UI designs to inspire you. These examples demonstrate how thoughtful UI design can improve user experience and make digital interactions smoother and more enjoyable.
A great UI combines aesthetics with functionality, ensuring that users not only appreciate the visual appeal but also find the interface intuitive and easy to navigate. Whether you prefer sleek minimalism, vibrant colors, or intricate details, you'll find plenty of inspiration here.
Our selection features a wide range of UI designs, from clean, simple layouts to more complex, dynamic interfaces. Each example has been chosen for its design excellence and ability to balance beauty with usability.
Browse through our curated collection to find ideas for your next project. See how top designers use the latest trends and techniques in UI design, and think about how you can incorporate these principles into your own work. Whether you're designing for the web, mobile apps, or other digital platforms, these examples will help you elevate your UI design game.
Other Links: UI Design courses | Figma | Figma courses