Future London Academy
Honorable Mention - Apr 14, 2020
Future London Academy
All about playing with type, featuring an array of kinetic typography, type illusions and animations through the power of code to represent energy and a ‘future-facing’ mentality.
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Votes (15/61)
Zajno from United Stateszajno.com88888.00
UPQODE from United Statesupqode.com89898.40
oleksiifedorov from Ukraineoleksiifedorov.com98898.50
Mario Carrillo from Mexicomarioecg.com88898.10
Pavlo Tymoshenko from Ukrainepash.website910999.30
Aleks Kirshin from Hungarymanon.design109979.20
Marco Calignano from Italymarcocalignano.com78777.30
Jorge Maiden from Spainbufa.es96867.60
john may from United States77777.00
Simon from Germany77777.00
DCdesign from Colombiabehance.net98898.50
Vijay Kumar Tg from India88888.00
kamil-dombrowski from Polanddombrowskikamil.pl77777.00
raybump from United States87787.50
richardson from United Kingdom87777.40