And the Lucky Winners Are:
1) Cynthia Chaccour
2) SkyinthesEa Duc
3) Nikos Pappas
Please drop us an e-mail to claim your prize!
Web Icon Set provides professional and quality royalty-free stock icons for designers. By joining our membership, you can access over 1,000 premium icons. Includes Pictograms, Stock Icons and Mini Icons with a much, much more affordable subscription fee. All of the icons are perfect for websites, web applications and wireframe creation. Please feel free to check out our Free Icons too.
If you have a blog, website, email list or Twitter account then you can join the Affiliate Program and earn a 40% commission on every new member who joined the membership.
How to Win
To win one of the three Business Plan Memberships, all you have to do is ReTweet this post with the hashtag #webiconset or leave a comment on this post using Facebook. The three lucky winners will be chosen at random and notified via Facebook/Twitter.
Good luck!
Web Icon Set