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TikTok - Strategy & Production

We developed a strategic and creative campaign to help SONY position as a brand among a younger target (Millenials and Gen Z) in a disruptive and organic way on TikTok. Following the insights of TikTok’s users, our creative team planned the creation of an organic account (@unsuarioquenoexista) that showcases the struggles and problems of a teenager who can not live without his Sony Linkbuds earphones.

The scripts and videos were created as if the character was an average TikTok user. The product and its benefits were softly incorporated through product placement, storytelling, hashtags, and interaction with the community. Then the best videos were boosted with a specific target and interests.

The content was leaned to the entertainment core pillar of TikTok, recreating relatable and funny situations. As a result, the account currently has more than 11k followers, 1.1 million of likes, 16.2 M video views, and more than 35M impressions in the targeted countries (Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Colombia, and Peru).

Even when it was a soft product placement campaign, we achieved that the community who follows the account asked for advice or recommendation on the earphones that the character uses. Also with organic storytelling, we could overcome the barrier that usually too-branded content generates in users, and amplify video views and impressions.

In the end, the campaign achieved the main goals for SONY: more awareness of the Linkbuds earphones, a different approach of the brand with the desired target, and a successful case of virality on TikTok.

Project Details

  • Social Integration
  • Photo & Video
  • Contentful