Antiracist Futures

What would a world that meets the needs of everyone look like to you?

That was the question we were tasked with answering by The Center for Antiracist Research at Boston University.

We worked with The Center and their network of partners to develop a script and visual world that outlined a clear and compelling vision of what an antiracist future could look like, especially in urban communities.

Through my character designs I aimed to represent a diversity of races, ages, abilities, sexualities and gender expressions and was committed to demonstrating how people of various identities could come together through accessible housing, community gardens, parks, mutual aid and reliable public transit.

Creative Partners

Producer: Alston Bowman

Animation: The Amanda Godreau Team

Animatic: Rudy Shultz

Music: Nathan Greenberg

Production Coordinator: Brittany Johnson

Editor: Axel Boada

Project Details

  • Animation