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Nov 14, 2013

Interview with Tomáš Silný, Creative director and Web designer at PositiveZero

Interview with Tomáš Silný, Creative director and Web designer at PositiveZero

It isn't easy being a web designer. It requires extensive training in a multitude of disciplines. Through our interviews, we attempt to seek out those designers who are keen to share their vision of the industry with us, to let us in on their journey to becoming the people they are today, to share their inspirations and expertise with us…

Learning first-hand the tools used by top web designers in their creative process and project execution is priceless.

Today we are joined by Tomáš Silný Creative director and Web designer at PositiveZero and entrepreneur at | @TomasSilny

Question What qualities should a web designer have? Do you think they are more limited by technical requirements compared to other disciplines?

The only limit is a lack of passion and enthusiasm for work. As in any field of design, even webdesign, things cannot be only beautiful but also need to be functional. Knowledge of technologies, UX, trends and standards simply belong to webdesign and that’s the essence for our work. The digital train waits for no-one, once you get off, it is very hard to catch it up again.

The digital train waits for no-one, once you get off, it is very hard to catch it up again.