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A rigorous system implemented by professionals
  • Evaluating the talent and effort of the best web designers and developers is a challenging task which requires the considerable knowledge and experience possessed by the awwwards jury.

  • Criteria

    A fair and transparent system.

    The evaluation system used to score the websites submitted to awwwards is based on the following 4 criteria:

    Design: 40% points
    Usability: 30% points
    Creativity: 20% points
    Content: 10% points.

  • Voting System

    Scoring the daily nominees.

    Once approved, sites are sent to a minimum of 18 jury members, and the 3 jury scores furthest from the average are automatically eliminated by our system. The voting process lasts 5 days, but if a site receives a high score from the jury and at least 10 PRO users, it could win a SOTD before the end of the 5-day period. strong.

    Users votes: only votes made by Professional users (who have passed through our validation system) will be taken into account. This is to avoid the creation of false accounts, set up to benefit or cause harm to particular nominees. If you suspect the creation of false users, please do report them here.

  • Submission Process

    How to submit your website to awwwards.

    Once a website is submitted, our team will check it meets the minimum requirements before approving it and sending it to the Jury. Sites can take up to a week to get published, and as our approval process is carried out manually, there may be backlogs due to weekends and/or large volumes of submissions.

    • 01

      Submit Your Site

      You’ve created a fantastic project, and you want to share it with the world to get the recognition it deserves, time to send it to awwwards!

    • 02


      Once your site has been approved by awwwards, it’s sent to our jury and can be voted for by all awwwards users. This process lasts 5 days.

    • 03

      Honorable Mention

      The first step to being acknowledged for a solid project and a result to be proud of. HMs are awarded to sites that are scored 6.5 or more from the jury. Remember, you will only be able to see your jury score if you win SOTD.

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      Site of the Day

      A career defining achievement, only the sites scored the highest by the jury will be awarded the coveted SOTD. The competition is very stiff and unfortunately, as there’s only 365 days in a year, not everyone who deserves a SOTD will win one.

    • 05

      Developer Award

      Recognizing the talent behind the code. All SOTD winning sites are sent to the developer jury to be meticulously evaluated according to the Developer Guidelines, if the site is scored higher than a 7 it will be given a Developer Award.

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      Site of the Month

      The eight highest-scoring sites each month are nominated for Site of the Month and reviewed by the Jury a second time. The awwwards users play an important part in deciding the winner; the site which receives the most user votes will carry extra weight in the Jury’s final decision.

    • 07

      Site of the Year

      A prestigious accolade for remarkable websites which stood out over the year! All Site of the Month winners are automatically nominated for SOTY, in addition to some of awwwards favorite sites. The winner is announced in February of the following year, after a rigorous voting process.